Gold Standard
Skills Academy
Session I: March 18 - April 17
Session II: April 22 - May 22
Individual Skill Development • Game Application • Nutrition Consultation
Boys and Girls
Tuesdays & Thursdays • 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Grades 3-4 • 5-6 • 7-8
BSI - Wellesley
Gold Standard's Skills Academy is a 5 week program that will focus on helping our athletes develop and polish new skills this offseason. Gold Standard Skills Academies have helped over 500 athletes boost their skill set and confidence, and helped them transfer skill to live games.Our coaches will be teaching the game to help increase Basketball IQ during our on-court instructional time and help our athletes master the fundamentals of the game. Our Academy will be broken into grade/skill levels with low ratios to ensure that we maximize instruction! This is the perfect way to start an offseason of growth and skill aquisition!