Gold Standard
Summer Grind
Skill Development • Strength & Conditioning • Nutrition • Recruiting
Boys and Girls • Grades 9 - 12
4:30 - 6:30 • July 22 - August 21
BSI- Wellesley
5 week program • Tuesdays & Thursdays
Our Summer Grind is focused on keeping our athletes sharp during club season this summer. Our focused driven drills will work on positional skills as well as game actions to find scoring opportunities within a teams offense. Our coaches will be teaching the game to help increase Basketball IQ during our on-court instructional time and help our athletes get in the extra work, outside of team practices, that will set them apart. In addition, we will be offering a nutrition sessions provided by the Sports Nutrition Academy, the current nutrition program for Providence College Athletics & Gold Standard to help our athletes achieve their peak performance!